Center for Biomedical Imaging Statistics



The Center of Biomedical Imaging Statistics (CBIS) conducts research on statistical methods for analyzing data from biomedical imaging studies. CBIS research includes brain, heart, breast and prostate imaging, among others. CBIS currently develops statistical method for data acquired from various imaging modalities including functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging , positron emission tomography, single photon emission computed tomography, and digital mammograhphy. CBIS is a part of the Rollins School of Public Health (RSPH) at Emory University in Atlanta, GA, and we actively collaborate with other imaging scientists around the university. We are physically located in the Department of Biostatistics in RSPH. 

What do we do?


Independent component analysis (ICA) is the most commonly used computational tool for identifying and characterizing underlying brain functional networks. One of the challenging research topics in ICA is how to perform group ICA for multi-subject imaging studies. Our research on group ICA methodology focused on development of probabilistic group ICA framework for estimating brain functional networks based on multi-subject fMRI data... read more

Prediction Methods

In recent years, the number of imaging studies on the structure and function of human brains has grown significantly. Most of these studies recruit a number of subjects for brain scans and apply various statistical methods to assess the association patterns between brain locations and human behavior as well as neurological disease or dysfunction. However, the limited sample sizes in many studies may lead to low statistical power... read more

Multimodality Methods

We have developed several methods that combine modalities of neuroimaging data, namely fMRI and DTI data, to study the relationship between brain structure and function and to investigate the connectivity disruption pathways that characterize certain brain diseases. Resting-state and task-related brain activity, measured by fMRI, reflects the functional connectivity (FC) or associations between different brain regions... read more

Contact Us

CBIS is located in the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University. We are on the 3rd floor of the Grace Crum Rollins Building at Emory.

For more information, please contact:

Department of Biostatistics

Rollins School of Public Health

Grace Crum Rollins Building

1518 Clifton Road, N.E.

Atlanta, Georgia 30322

(404) 712-8646


Regular Meeting Time: Fridays from 11-1pm in room 311, Grace Crum Rollins Building.